Ridgetop Wireless Solutions, Inc. is seeking to hire exceptional entry level technicians to learn and grow with our company. Ridgetop Wireless Solutions Inc. is a thriving Telecommunication Services company operating throughout the Pacific Northwest.
We offer a wide range of construction services to our wireless network clients including small cell work, new site builds, network equipment installation, DC power work, and HUB builds to name a few. We pride ourselves equally on our commitment to exceeding our client’s expectations with innovative techniques, creative thinking and unsurpassed integrity as well as on our dedication to the growth and development of our team.
The Telecommunication Services industry as a whole is growing, with an ever-increasing demand for capable personnel from entry level technicians to experienced foemen and a myriad of support positions as well. As our world becomes ever more integrated through wireless networks the role that our industry’s workforce plays in maintaining, improving and expanding network coverage is essential to the nation’s prosperity. As a valued team member of Ridgetop Wireless Solutions, Inc. not only do you enjoy the benefits of a secure and stable industry, we also offer competitive wages, generous benefits, a positive growth oriented culture, and management that is passionate about promoting advancement in your career as well as supporting growth on a more personal level. We want to see our team successful and thriving in all aspects of life!
We are always on the lookout for talented and dedicated individuals to add to our growing team and right now we have many positions open for immediate hire for all experience levels in our Oregon and Washington locations.